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You Searched For: herb trimpe. We've found 53 results. (23 Original Art. 30 Comics.)

Original Art
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  Title     Artist   Art Type    Price
Marvel Feature #5 Story (Herb Trimpe) (1972)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Issue: 05 , Page: 31
Herb Trimpe (all)
Interior Page
Outlaw Kid #2 Cover (Trimpe/Everett) (1970)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Issue: 2 , Page: Cover
Herb Trimpe (all)
Tower of Shadows #4 Cover (Severin/Trimpe) (1970)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Issue: 04 , Page: Cover
Marie Severin (penciller)
Herb Trimpe (inker)

Showing page 1 of 2.

  Title    Author/Artist Price
Daredevil #070
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Daredevil #072
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Daredevil #078
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Incredible Hulk #103
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #104
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #106
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #108
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #108
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #115
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #115
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #119
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #120
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #122
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #123
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #125
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #135
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #138
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #142
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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Incredible Hulk #143
Herb Trimpe (all)
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Incredible Hulk #145
Herb Trimpe (penciller)
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