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Personal Collection // Sal  Buscema // Our Love Story #17 Cover (Sal Buscema) (1972)

Title: Our Love Story #17 Cover (Sal Buscema) (1972)
Artists: Sal  Buscema all
Issue: 17
Page: Cover
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Status: Personal Collection
Views: 1315

June 1972, Marvel, Our Love Story #17 Cover, Sal Buscema pencils/inks, "When Love is Lost", written by Stan Lee, Here is something rare. A Marvel romance cover drawn AND inked by Sal Buscema in 1972! This cover had to be drawn while Sal was drawing the Defenders and/or Captain America titles for Marvel. I wish i knew why he got this assignment - to draw this cover, but also why he was allowed to ink it too!

Personal Collection

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