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Personal Collection // Rico Rival // Man-Thing #15 Story (Rico Rival) (1st Series) (1975)

Title: Man-Thing #15 Story (Rico Rival) (1st Series) (1975)
Artists: Rico Rival penciller
Tony Dezuniga layouts
Alfredo  Alcala layouts
Issue: 15
Page: 27
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Status: Personal Collection
Views: 1835

March 1975, Man-Thing #15, Page #27, Tony Dezuniga (layouts), Alfredo Alcala (layouts),Rico Rival (finished pencils)/Rico Rival inks,

"A Candle for Sainte-Cloud" is one of the greatest, classic stories written by the late, great Steve Gerber;

Introduction & Only Appearance: Sainte-Cloud, Chuck & Jeremy; App: Ted Sallis (flashback); An old girlfriend of Ted Sallis's buys a candle in the shape of the Man-Thing, not knowing it gives off drugged fumes. After she lights the candle, which makes her hallucinate, she remembers when she met a young Ted Sallis before he became the macabre Man-Thing. Back then, Ted Sallis was a biochemistry professor at Empire State University. The United States Army recruited him into "Project Sulfur," which sought a means to survive bio-chemical warfare. Sallis developed "Serum SO-2," which granted immunity to all known toxic biochemicals, but its mutagenic effects would have transformed people into monsters. Ted's girlfriend, the free-spirited Sainte-Cloud, convinced him to denounce the Project, shutting it down before any serum was produced. Ted proposed to Sainte-Cloud, in Central Park, in 1967, but she refused due to their many differences and she left him (page #26 of this story).

Page #1 of this story says "Rico Rival" as artist and inker of this story, but in Man-Thing #19, in the letters column, we find out otherwise. This is the actual paragraph from the letter page of issue #19 written by either Stan Lee, or Len Wein:

"Due to a weird deadline mix-up, "Candle" was drawn, inked and lettered in (are you ready for this?) three days, start to finish! As we understand it, Tony Dezuniga and Alfredo Alcala did rough layouts and passed the pages along bucket-brigade fashion to Rico to complete. Don't ask us how that came about. We dunno. But, all considered, we felt it was an excellent and unquestionably unique artistic effort. And Steve (Gerber) tells us that the team rendered the character of Sainte-Cloud almost exactly as he'd visualized her. Remarkable under the circumstances, wouldn't you agree?"

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